How to Stop Fear from Running your Life With Jamie Winship

During my sabbatical this summer, someone sent me three podcast episodes that Jamie Winship was in. Those episodes were some of the most transforming content I've ever heard. Jamie was sharing exactly what we all need to hear – the importance of trusting and listening to God.

Jamie went from joining the police force in Washington, DC to spending decades working in conflict zones across the globe. He is also the author of an amazing book about identity. In this second instalment of our three-part series, Jamie and Jennie discuss fear:

Do you still feel afraid?

Yes, because fear is a gift.

Fear is a very powerful, beautiful emotion, and all emotion is a gift. Fear keeps you alert, and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. More than anything, I’m afraid that the Lord will go somewhere while I stay here, or that I'll go somewhere while the Lord stays here. I don't want that; I will not let that happen.

If the Lord moves, I'm moving. If he stops, I'm stopping. I'm afraid to do anything where He's not in the lead. God says to humanity, “more than any other exhortation, don't be afraid.” Fear becomes our main decision-maker in life.

The goal of fear is to challenge you that whatever you're about to do or believe will hurt you. As soon as you address the fear, it disappears. But if you just try and cope with it, it gets deeper and deeper. As such, anxiety and depression become greater because we keep separating from the One who is our peace by trying to protect ourselves.

I want to get back to the two questions that you ask God. Could you talk about the importance and helpfulness of those questions?

We often think of things as just part of life, which is a wrong perspective. One of my colleagues was struggling with infertility issues. There was no real reason or medical explanation for the issue, and it made them feel distant from God.

One time when we were together, that person told me he couldn’t hear from God. I asked him what he was trying to hear about, and he told me about their struggles with conceiving. I said, “what are you asking God?” He responded that he wanted to know why.

I reminded him that there are very few times in scripture where God answers a “why” question because the explanation is too great.

However, God will always tell you what He wants you to know about something. But He's not obligated to explain Himself to you. So, we tried that together and that's when he heard from the Lord. It was life-changing for him. They have four kids now.

What would you say to people who ask God those questions but don't hear anything?

Ask God: “What do you want me to know about what’s troubling me? What do you want me to know about my fear?”

God wants to deal with your fear before everything else. He wants to take away that fear because the real you can engage God once it’s gone. Fear prevents the real you from being open and free with the Lord. It separates you from God.

Your fear is shutting you down.

It’s pointing to the deepest lie you believe about God, yourself, or others. Whatever your fear is, you need to deal with it immediately. The Lord wants to remove it. What awaits after getting that fear out of the way is boundless beauty, even in suffering. The Lord wants us to move in joy, not in fear. These things that happen to us are the Lord’s invitation. He wants you to ask Him about your fear. He wants to take away your fear of false beliefs.


If you like this interview with Jamie, you’ll love Season 12 of the Made For This Podcast! Listen on iTunes, Spotify, and other podcast players.


Living Fearless


Taking Godly Risk