3 Steps to Living Life Well

A lot of us live a life of constant stress and overwhelm that often takes us away from God’s gifts for us. Perhaps most shocking is our acceptance of our current mental state.

We’ve become so resigned to this life that “I’m okay, just busy” has become a common response. But busyness doesn’t have to be the norm.

God calls us to be of sober mind and make good decisions so we can have time and margin to pray, love well, and use the gifts He’s given us in this short life. These are the three simple things He lays out as a good stewardship of life.

People often complain that they're too busy to use or even discover their gifts. We let our lives happen to us instead of building the life God has called us to. And the constant busyness has left us emptier than ever. We must start making better decisions and submitting those decisions through the filter of knowing and loving God.

I know the feeling of being overwhelmed all too well, but I've built a simpler life now. I've built a life with days where I do nothing except connect with God, and I’ve gotten my soul back as a result.

So, how do you simplify your life?

1. Prioritize tasks and say “no” more often.

Start quitting things and saying “no” a lot. You must first evaluate your life to figure out what's important. Remember that you’re living out the choices you make, and you can always make a change. So, start being the boss of your life.

In the past year, I realized that I wasn’t enjoying, delighting in, and creating with God. So, I let go of my managerial role in the office. This started with the understanding that I am not necessary for anything. My life is finite.

I know I can step back because I'm not that essential. It's sad realizing that everything still exists without you. But it's a refreshing reality because we’re all built to play our part in the story of God, not to be the center of it. I've grown to understand that I’m a small part of a bigger plan, and I'm content with that.

I'm not afraid to say “no” when I need to. I'm not afraid to let go of power, credit, or authority. I'm content being a small part of God’s bigger plan, and that is a great thing. None of us actually want to be the center of the universe. Our souls weren't built for it, and we are exhausted by it.

Life becomes so much better when we realize and accept that we're part of a body that's working together. We were meant to live with Christ as the head and center. He gets the credit and glory, and each of us serves Him by bringing our part to His story.

Nothing goes off the rails in eternity with God, and you can rest in that.

I say “no” to things as a default answer unless the Spirit compels me to say “yes.” I'm a “no” person because I want to protect my family, kids, and time. We put so much pressure on ourselves to meet everybody's desires and demands for our lives, but we don’t have to. And it all starts with a simple “no.”

2. Prioritize obedience over productivity.

Where obedience is, there is thriving. But obedience doesn't always look like ministry. It looks like whatever God wrote into your role in His story.

When we see ourselves as a small part of the bigger story, we are more content with disappointing people because we have a bigger prize in God's pleasure and story. We're more content even getting behind.

I felt like I would fall behind if I let go of the hustle. Practically speaking, I’m not driving anything forward on days when I'm not on social media. However, I am driving things forward in my soul. God and I are moving the kingdom forward because I am spending quiet time reading scripture, praying, and connecting with Him. That connection with God moves the kingdom forward.

I know that God cares more about our relationship than He does about my productivity on earth. He doesn't really need me out in the world doing my thing; He can grow His kingdom. But He loves it when His kids spend time connecting with Him.

A world where I can't pray, love, or use my gifts because I'm too busy is not a world that God is pleased with. And it is not a world I want to be a part of. So, we must ask ourselves the hard questions:

·       What am I doing?

·       Why am I doing it?

·       What do I need to be doing?

·       What do I need to stop doing?

These questions will help you get to the root of your overwhelm and steward your gifts.

3. Be proactive about giving God away.

How we spend our time and steward our relationships is not a passive pursuit. We actively train for godliness. Every minute of our lives is surrender and obedience. What we do with our days is the platform and environment through which that obedience usually takes place. So, build your grid of obedience.

Ultimately, we're all looking for purpose. But that purpose is usually found in our everyday lives. Very rarely will you need to go on an overseas mission or change your job to find your purpose. We’re usually in the right place at the right time.

Scripture tells us that God sets us in our appointed times and draws our boundary lines so that people might feel their way to Him. God has one agenda – to be known and loved, and that we would spend our lives helping other people know and love Him.

God's goal for the earth is that we would worship Him. So, help people do that wherever you are. God can use your obedience to make people feel their way to Him while you’re in your workplace. He has equipped you with the gifts you need to help someone in your office, college campus, or classroom feel their way to Him.

If our priority is actively helping people feel their way to Christ, then what we do with our time is less important. All of it is just the foundation and environment for people to know God. Whether you're parenting, coaching, teaching, or replying to emails, you can give away God because that's how He builds environments for us to do so.

Finding people who help you prioritize God

There is no formula for requests you should turn down or agree to. All you need is submission to the Spirit, coupled with wise counselors who love God and are submissive to the Spirit. You need wise counselors with no agenda other than helping you obey God.

I have a great husband, friends, and mentors who are passionate about building the kingdom of God. When opportunities come my way, my husband vets them. I don't always agree with him, but it's been a relief not to have to make all of my own decisions. Submission to a trusted voice is essential, and that voice can come from various people in your life.

We need voices that help us become good self-managers. Sit down with your trusted people and fill them in on what's happening in your life. This way, they can help you steward your gifts and obey God. Bring that obedience into every season of your life. God shows up in the mundane, and He makes it purposeful. So, ask God what He wants of you today, and He'll surprise you.

Here's a hard question for today: what can you quit? Whatever that is, quit it.

Create more margin in your schedule. With that margin, you can go to a bookstore or coffee shop and take your Bible with you. Take a journal and your headphones. Spend an hour with God, and I promise it will not be a waste of time. It will steady your soul and give you wisdom for the next decision you've got to make.


Evangelism with Dr. Robert Coleman


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