Evangelism with Dr. Robert Coleman

Dr. Robert Coleman is one of Jennie’s heroes. He has probably inspired discipleship in millions of Christians across the world during his 65 years as an author and professor of evangelism. With 21 books under his belt, his 1962 bestseller The Master Plan of Evangelism’ remains a must-read.

The Master Plan of Evangelism’ speaks to Dr. Coleman's passion for discipleship and evangelism. It is one of the most life-changing books for followers of Christ. This is the very book that helped pave Jennie’s path to ministry. It gives the model of ministry Jesus carved for us and encourages us to follow it.

Dr. Coleman had a chat with Jennie about discipleship on the ‘Made for This’ podcast. This is their edited conversation:

Jennie: You have been a professor of evangelism for many years. Where did your passion for evangelism come from?

Dr. Coleman: My passion for evangelism probably began in boyhood. My mother was a Sunday school teacher who loved Jesus and didn't hesitate to talk about Him. My dad was a strict disciplinarian, and he made sure I obeyed what was right. I learned about God's love, discipline, and obedience to the Word of God from a young age.

The Lord got me into a situation where I had to study the Bible when I was asked to be a professor of evangelism. I had never precisely studied evangelism before. So, I began where you always begin – with Jesus. That's how I came to write “The Master Plan.”

The book comprised notes of what I found as I read the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. However, it was the people I met along the way who unfolded the meaning of what I was learning. The book focuses on the love of God, who loved us despite our sins and because He knew something better for us.

God made us in His image and enabled us to learn the way He wanted to see us.

And so, that's what I have been trying to do. Fortunately, God has brought people into my life who could teach me the things I needed to learn. Evangelism is about seeing someone come to Jesus. Jesus invested most of His life in a handful of people who followed Him. That's the secret to knowing the blessings of the Lord – following Him.

You understand Jesus by studying the Scriptures and learning how to pray as He did. Then, you tell others what you've learned. That's the beauty of evangelism.

There's always something new to learn, and Jesus is the focus of it all.

You don't have to learn all the secrets God knows. You only have to tell your story and tell someone else how they can be saved through true faith in Jesus Christ and repentance. That's the story of the gospel.

The longer you live, the more amazed you are at the grace of God. You begin to anticipate what we'll have in the reunion around the throne of God in heaven.

God is always leading us to something we haven't yet discovered in His grace. That's His plan for our lives, to know Him, love Him, and find our joy in Him.

Jennie: Some people believe they need to do something big and public for God. But you emphasize that evangelism is about a few people discipling a few people who then disciple a few other people. Talk about what you saw from the Gospels and how Jesus changed the world.

Dr. Coleman: Jesus led the way by asking some men to follow Him. And that's what faith really means – to put into practice what you have learned about Jesus. He gives us an example to follow in His life and ministry. It's a personal relationship, and the expectancy of your faith turning to sight becomes higher as you get closer to heaven. I realize more now that the best is yet to come.

Despite the discouragements around you, try to focus on the glory that is yet to come. The reality of Heaven moves in on you as you grow in grace and knowledge. He's not finished with us yet.

I've had the privilege of trying to share my life with some of the best students a person could ever have during my 65 years as a teacher in seminary. The first day I came to class, I wanted to get acquainted with my students. So, I invited them to meet with me at six o'clock in the morning.

We would read the Bible and pray together. That began a pattern. I tried to meet with a few students in a small group every week. That's what I still try to do, but the pattern has changed from time to time. I now meet with a larger group of men every Saturday morning.

All I do is go there to pray, but I bring the gospel in as I pray because I know most of them don't go to church. On my 95th birthday, they surprised me with a birthday party. The little group we used to have had grown to 43 men, and what a privilege it was to meet some old friends!

I have the privilege of meeting with men who want to grow and believe in prayer every week. Prayer is the secret of it all. Jesus frequently prays, and you can learn what He's trying to teach us with that prayer.

At the core of it all, we’ve got a future in heaven to look forward to, where we won't have to live in these old, tired, and aching bodies.

We can come to Him in the glory of a new age and body. We can look forward to praising God forever without interruptions.

We'll know each other as we are. We think we know people now, but we don't know what they've been through. We don't know everything in their mind. But we'll know people as God made them to be, and that’s something to look forward to.

It's a joy to think about the glory that belongs to Jesus. Life is made so that we can learn to praise God. That's the language of Heaven, and we never get finished. There's always something new, something better. God is so good and infinite in His love.

Jennie: I feel so grateful for your faith. There's so much fear in the world, and even the Christians are afraid, but you don't seem afraid at all.

Dr Coleman: No. I've tried to teach the boys I meet with to not be afraid of people because they are looking for somebody who will show them love. And that's the secret of evangelism.

God is love, and He expresses Himself in His actions of love. So, we never really stop learning, and that's been the privilege I've had for 65 years. God always is there to introduce us to something different and wonderful, and I look forward to learning more as I get older.

The Bible tells us we have sometimes seen an angel unaware. I have one who takes care of me now, and that’s my daughter. God has given me people like that along the trail, and I have so many friends I look forward to meeting on that day when there won't be any farewell.

Dr. Coleman shared a beautiful story that is a testament to the power of evangelism. You can listen to the full episode for what is probably the most wonderful depiction of evangelism at work. Dr. Coleman’s “The Master Plan of Evangelism” is available on Amazon and in most book retailers. Buying this book is one of the best decisions you’ll make today; it’ll make such a huge difference along your journey to discipleship.


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